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compound factors中文是什么意思

用"compound factors"造句"compound factors"怎么读"compound factors" in a sentence


  • 复本利系数


  • Gastroenteric hormones content changes of blood in model rat of spleen - qi deficiency made by compound factors
  • The authors research on the middle - south of qinshui basin , analyze the numerical connection of permeability and its influencing factor and construct compound factor model by mathematics geology method
  • Quasi - judicial processes are that the compound factors are interacted on in the real practice , including decisive and agreeable factors as well as status and normative factors ; judicial processes could not avoid impacts and constraints from external pressure for it , though they always settle disputes in the way of neutrality ; the negotiable agreement mechanism in the quasi - judicial processes can provide valuable factors for constructing a new mode of judgment
用"compound factors"造句  
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